Haunted Chapel of Lincoln Castle
Lincoln Castle is located in the historic city of Lincoln, England. Its construction began in 1068 upon orders by William the Conqueror. The demolition of 166 houses was necessary to build the castle. Lincoln Castle's architecture differs from most motte and bailey structures since it possesses two rather than one motte.

Lincoln Castle has served as a prison over the years, with the Crown Court building being added in 1826. One of four original copies of the Magna Carta may be seen in the former prison building of the castle. Due to its tragic history regarding prisoners and executions, the castle still possesses lingering residents.
As Richard tells the story ...
From 1787 to 1878, the castle acted as Lincoln's prison, and its Victorian prison chapel is still acknowledged as being haunted. Its coffin-like pews were intended to remind prisoners of the fate awaiting them. Several people have encountered an unseen entity lurking in the tiny-tiered pews and complain of feeling a cold breeze as an invisible "something" brushes slowly by them.
- Richard Jones
Other ghostly inhabitants include the spirit of a lady carrying a baby who has been seen in the old Victorian women's prison and unexplainable lights emanating from the chapel, where the doors sometimes open and close on their own. Cobb Hall also has a lady in black who has been seen walking up and down the stairs leading to the old gallows.